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Equal Opportunity Cell

The primary task of Equal Opportunity Cell is to address issues of discrimination against any person on the grounds of his/her disability or physical limitations and minority status and it is in fact a gross violation of universally accepted principles of equality and human rights and even the violating the obligations of Indian constitution. Equal Opportunity Cell of Jatindra Rajendra Mahavidyalaya was set up and effective since 1 st January, 2024 to address the issues concerning Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Class and Persons with Disabilities, as per the ‘Guidelines for Scheme of Equal Opportunity Centre for Colleges XII Plan (2012-2017)’ (document attached below).

The basic aim of the Equal Opportunity Cell is to ensure that all stakeholders belonging to various diverse backgrounds of community, religion, region, gender or ability are not deprived of their basic opportunities in the college. They all must have access to all the basic rights to promote inclusivity and harmony. Through this cell several activities are organized to promote inclusive policies and practices for all and to look into the grievances to ensure equality and equal opportunities to the disadvantaged group on campus through proper implementation of policies, skills, and programs of society. The cell headed by the Principal, heads of all the department, other staff and student members chalk out action plans to ensure the functionalities of an inclusive educational atmosphere in the campus.

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of this committee are as follows:

  1. To foster the principle of equality among all and eliminate any kind of discrimination or harassment.
  2. To implement policies and guidelines of cell in college.
  3. To identify nature of the discriminatory issues in the campus and to sort them out.
  4. To disseminate the information related to schemes, programs, notifications/memoranda, office orders of the Govt., related to welfare of target groups from time to time.
  5. To promote diversity and inclusive practices on campus and provide the underprivileged groups with adequate opportunities.
  6. Safeguard the interest of students without any prejudice to their caste, creed, religion, language, ethnicity, gender and disability.
  7. To create an atmosphere of equal opportunity through awareness generation programmes.
  8. To expedite legal redressal in matters of violation of equal opportunity.

Equal Opportunity Cell

  • 1.Dr. Kutubuddin Biswas (Convener)
  • 2. Geetali Bera
  • 3. Sucharita Mitra
  • 4. Dr. Rina Majumdar
  • 5.Dr. Ranjit Kumar Baidya
  • 6.Pranab Ghosh
  • 7.Subhadip Mukherjee
  • 8. Abdul Halim Shaikh
  • 9. Santosh Mandal
  • 10. Najma Akter
  • 11. Mithun Kumar Ghosh
  • 12. Sandip Kumar Das
  • 13.Ranjit Kumar Das
  • 14. Mofijul Islam Malitya
  • 15. Sabir Mondal
  • 16. Pritish Kumar Ghosh